Anyone can develop an extension, whether it's for your own internal use, or to be shared with other users on Parut.
The official Parut extension marketplace is a git repo hosted at https://github.com/parut-com/extensions-repository
Extensions are based around scripts written in JavaScript, that aims to get configuration from an account admin and create registry items that are used to extension the account schema.
If you enter Developer Mode
while viewing an extension, you will be able to view and update the extensions script.
The Registry
The registry consists of the following item types:
A database table to which you can create, read, update and delete documents.
Access Token
An access token, creating just for the issuing extension, for access parts of the Parut account.
A custom page that is put inside the Parut client app.
Menu Item
A link that will be put on the Parut menu.
Example extension
An example of an extension is the official authman extension which can be viewed at https://github.com/parut-com/authentication